I am wearable art producer
and shop owner
My work started as a hobby on my own time for friends, family and most importantly myself. I have spent many days messing with techniques I researched or thought up myself. Often getting varying results and working on consistency throughout early stages of learning. As time passed, I found where I wanted to go with my work and began refining it. There will always be space to learn and improve, I am always looking to learn.
My Shop
The space I work in changes quite often being very dependent on where I am living at the time. I have worked outside, in garages, in my room and on shaded patios. Each space and working area is created more out of necessity than it is from any vision or design. For the most part I find what I need for the work I am doing at the time and keep that close at hand. In general you will always find synthetic sinew, scissors, rulers, rubber bands, gloves, spray bottles, color scoops and chemicals at my work station.
My Technique
Technique is something that is ever changing for me, working on different styles or experiments at different times creates the technique I am using at the time. For the most part, a lot of my work will be done using the ice dyeing method. In short is dye powder put on top of a folded piece and ice put on top of that. The melting ice and slower introduction water to the dye powder allows for a different type of visual as the end result. It is more natural feeling, something closer to a river than a swimming pool. One is naturally shaped and formed and the other is created with precision. Tie dyeing offers the possibility of very precise work or very free flowing styles depending on the techniques used throughout the process.